Care & courtesy:
Lake rules & reminders

For many of us, Lake Lucille is one of the best places in which we’ve lived. We not only appreciate the scenic beauty but also the way that neighbors interact and help each other out. Here are some common sense tips and reminders from our bylaws regarding care and courtesy in our community.

Be safe and courteous at the beach. Our little ones play and dig in the sand for hours. So, we need to keep it safe for them. Don’t bring glass bottles or containers to the beach so we don’t risk having broken glass in the area. Also, don’t allow your pets on the sandy area of the beach. 

Most importantly, keep a close eye on your children when on the beach, on a dock, or in the lake. Don’t make it your neighbors’ responsibility to keep them safe!

Accompany your guests in community areas. If your guests are using the lake, beach or community property, please try to be with them to ensure their safety and to avoid confusion about who is allowed to use our facilities. If you can’t be physically present, please be available at home or by phone in case a problem arises. 

Don’t leave your boat on the shoreline. Please don’t leave any boats in the beach area or along the lake’s shoreline. They are a safety hazard for kids and they damage the grounds. It’s okay to launch and land in the beach area, but take the boat with you when you leave. 

There are many inexpensive canoe and kayak dollies available that make transporting a boat easier, with prices on Amazon starting at under $30. Remember, boats left on the shoreline can be confiscated by the board. 

Keep your pets in control. Your dogs should be on a leash or otherwise under control to prevent biting incidents or animal fights that can cause injury and expensive vet bills. 

Pick up after your dog! Too often, we see piles of dog poo that have been left along a road or on a grassy area along the lake. In addition to being an eyesore, it can spread disease and, frustratingly, get on a person’s shoes or clothing.

Observe weekend quiet times. On Saturdays and Sundays, don’t use lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, and other noisy machines before 10:00 am or after 6:00 pm.

Park only in permitted areas. Park your vehicles on your own property or on the road along your property line. If you’re having extra guests, ask your neighbors if it’s ok that they park along their property line. Please don’t park next to the ballfield unless absolutely necessary.

Remember, it’s never permitted to park on Lake Road, Shore Road, the bridge, the portion of Brook Lane (on the baby-lake side) which is owned by LLPOA, or the west end of Milsom Drive that abuts the lake.

Remember the rules regarding private events. If you want to use community property or facilities for private events, check the guidelines and fill out the “LLPOA Event Request Form”. Then email it for board approval at

Participate in the community. Come to the general-membership meetings to keep up on issues, participate in important votes, and voice your opinion. Also, volunteer to help with events, work parties, committees, and the board of trustees. We always appreciate extra hands and voices.